clarion spring2020 cover.jpg

The Soho Clarion

Our quarterly magazine is published in March, June, September and December. We print 2500 copies that are distributed to all members, and across Soho and the wider West End to businesses, community spaces and residential premises.

The next Clarion is issue 186 - Winter 2023 Edition - Copy Date 22 November 2023

All submissions from contributors to Jane Doyle

If you would like to write for the Clarion please get in touch.  We are keen to include informative articles about new restaurants and businesses, development and anything that impacts and concerns residents and businesses in Soho.


Advertising Rates 2020

Full Page: 210mm x 297mm = £495 for 1 ad or get 4 ads for £1400 (£350 each)

Half Page: 210mm x 148mm = £275 for 1 ad or get 4 ads for £800 (£200 each)

Quarter Page:105mm x 148mm = £150 for 1 ad or get 4 ads for £420 (£105 each)

Double Box: 74mm x 105mm = £100 for 1 ad or 4 ads for £280 (£70 each)

Box: 74mm x 52mm = £50 for 1 ad or £140 for 4 ads (£35each)

Advertising artwork to be supplied as print-ready PDF with the following specifications:

Resolution 300 dpi Bleed 3mm all edges Colour profile CMYK