Council Consultation on Westminster’s Night Time Economy - Consultation for Westminster Residents

The council is consulting on what it should do about the night time economy in Westminster. The name given to this process is “Westminster After Dark.”

We have assembled some background documents and information on the subject here.

Cumulative Impact Assessment 2024

Safer Westminster Partnership - Strategic Assessment - January 2024

The Council and the Met Police say this:-

The Soho Society submission to the Oversight and Scrutiny Committee that looked in to the Westminster After Dark process.

Also our recent letter to the Evening Standard on the issue.

The council has asked us (6 August 2024) to circulate a letter to our members which contains the link to a survey.

The council’s letter can be downloaded here. You have until the 15 September to respond.

The Soho Society is concerned that the council’s most recent assessment (2024) of the impact of alcohol on the West End cumulative impact area is as follows:-

Licensing Authority Statement

It is the view of the Licensing Authority that the number of relevant authorisations in respect of premises in parts of the West End is such that it is likely that it would be inconsistent with the authority's duty under section 4(1) Licensing Act 2003 to grant any further relevant authorisations or variations in respect of premises in that area. In accordance with section 5A(6) of the Licensing Act 2003 the Licensing Authority will consult on its intention to publish this cumulative impact assessment prior to its final approval and publication.

i.e the crime and nuisance are so bad that it is no longer consistent with the Licensing Act to grant any further licences. However the council decided not to align its licensing policy with the facts it had uncovered so that it could continue to grant licences and ignore its own findings. Instead of moving to stop the problem getting worse it’s committees continue to grant more licences in Soho. Indeed, between 2020 - 2023 an additional 51 new alcohol licences were granted with a capacity of over 4,245. Instead of dealing with the very serious crime issues it has instead pursued its very lengthy Westminster After Dark process. If you think this is an odd response from the council maybe let them know in your response to their consultation. To be clear we are very happy to have a large night time economy provided crime and nuisance and managed and controlled. They aren’t.