How to Comment on a Licensing Application
Some applications received by Westminster City council have a period of time when representations or objections can be lodged, with the periods normally set by the relevant legislation for the specific licensing regime. The council welcomes views on these applications.
Comments can be submitted online, by e-mail or by post. All comments will be listed on their website alongside the application and supporting documents. Your contact details will not be published.
Each licensing regime has specific requirements relating to representations or objections and comments that do not relate to these requirements may not be considered when a decision is being made on the application. If you have any questions regarding the criteria for making representations or objections, please contact the Licensing Team at Westminster City Council.
Westminster City Council's four licensing objectives are:
the prevention of crime and disorder,
public safety,
the prevention of public nuisance,
the protection of children from harm.
Make a comment online
The quickest way to comment on an application is to submit your comments online. When you make a comment online you will receive an immediate email acknowledgement.
Find the application you’d like to comment on: Search applications
Click on the relevant application and view the application form, documents and any submitted plans
Make a comment by clicking on the 'Comments' tab, filling out the form and pressing 'submit' or 'submit and register'
If you encounter any difficulties when trying to make a comment, please view the user guide.
How to Comment on a Planning Application
Westminster City Council
Submitting a comment to Westminster City Council
Click here
The quickest way to comment on planning applications is to submit your comments online.
You will receive an immediate email acknowledgement.
What you can comment on
Planning applications are decided only on the basis of planning issues such as:
the effect on a neighbour's daylight, sunlight or privacy
the impact on traffic, road access, parking and servicing
the appearance, bulk or height of the proposed development
Impact such as noise generated by the proposal
the potential loss of a valued local service or use such as a shop or a residential flat
The council cannot consider non-planning issues such as:
the effect on property values
competition between rival businesses
party wall disputes and fire escape matters
moral and religious issues
We cannot refuse permission for a scheme because of construction noise but we can restrict the hours of work to reduce disturbance to residents and other sensitive neighbouring occupiers.
What happens to your comments?
The planning officer will consider all comments received for an application and may contact applicants suggesting amendments.
If applicants make significant changes, we may give people who have commented a further 14-21 days to make additional observations.
Where an application is to be reported to councillors for a decision, comments received will be available for public inspection 5 days prior to the planning committee meeting and will be summarised in the committee report. People who have commented will be advised of the date, time and location of the committee meeting.
Everybody who has written to us about an application will be informed of the decision.
Submitting comments offline
You can also write to to WCC ensuring you include the application reference number as well as your name and address. Anonymous comments will not be considered.
The address is: Development Planning, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP.